

We recognize that a child’s school years are essential in building a foundation for happiness and success in life. Our committed and caring professional staff provides a safe and stimulating environment for student learning. We believe that it is important to create a program that is balanced and rich in academics, athletics, and the arts. We hold our students to high academic international standards and support them by identifying their strengths and needs. We differentiate instruction to ensure all students are given the opportunity to progress, excel, and learn the essential skills that will allow them to compete in a global society.


We strongly promote a culture that fosters independence, problem solving, inquiry, positive self-esteem, and a sense of belonging. Our goal is that each student sees him/herself as a leader whose positive choices impact self, others, and the greater community.


Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. A school’s success is influenced by a cooperative partnership between students, parents, and the school community. Please accept our sincere invitation to play an active and productive role in this partnership.


School Vision & Mission


The Talaee Al-noor International School (TAIS) vision is to provide the best STEAM education environment in region.


  • Our mission is to contribute to the preparation of a pioneering generation that is capable of effectively interacting with other cultures and contributing to the local and greater world community.


  • Our goal is to collaborate with parents and the extended community to ensure every child develops a positive sense of self, partakes in lifelong learning skills, and establishes a love of country, heritage, and culture.


  • Our key priorities focus on student health and safety, well-being, and individualized learning. Our students develop strong Arabic and English literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity while continuing to emphasize a strong sense of culture and national pride; and maintaining their religious identity.


Program Overview


The goal of the TAIS educational program is to improve student learning experiences and to raise academic outcomes to an internationally competitive level. Teachers perform a critical role in enacting this vision of providing students with a world-class education. The teacher’s role as a thoughtful, skilled, and caring professional is necessary to achieve this vision. Educational change requires a deep commitment by the entire staff to engage in continuous self-reflection and growth through ongoing and meaningful professional development. Together, we embrace this exciting challenge and the journey to prepare students to become Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow.


The Kindergarten years are one of transition from Nursery or home to the beginning of Kindergarten. Every child is provided with the necessary focused teaching and follow-up support as he/she learns new concepts and skills. The teacher’s responsibility is to ensure that effective support is provided.


The Elementary years seek to support the individual instructional needs of each child while progressively moving from a state of dependence to one of independent practice and skills application. This approach expects the teacher to make careful observations of each child’s learning and use professional judgments to plan learning opportunities.


Partnership with parents is of key importance. This plays a crucial role in meeting individual student needs. A two-way flow of communication is a necessity; what happens at school is reinforced at home and vice versa.


Core Educational Values


Talaee Al-noor International School (TAIS) is committed to the core educational values of world citizenship, universal values, leadership qualities and forward thinking are aims to help each student realize his/her full potential.


Global Citizenship: We learn to make an active contribution to the local and global community.

  • We celebrate our diversity.
  • We are openminded and respectful; we recognize there are many things that unite us all.
  • We support our local community so that we can build a sustainable planet to share.


Innovative Learning: We find the courage to challenge convention.

  • We dare to dream of the possibilities.
  • Each endeavor is undertaken with creativity and inquisitiveness.
  • No idea is too small or too large if it makes things better for our community.


Lifelong Learning: We strive to develop your potential.

  • We never stop learning and reflect on our actions.
  • Each one of us has the capacity for leadership.
  • We aim to produce great people who live with honesty, confidence, and integrity.


Rigor & Fortitude: We work to continually exceed expectations.

  • We ensure that everything we do is delivered to a high standard.
  • We go the extra mile for our students and our colleagues.
  • We approach each task with resiliency and enthusiasm.


Administrative Leadership


The TAIS leadership team’s primary focus is to provide a well-managed, safe, and instructionally sound learning environment to support teachers and students alike.


The Executive Director oversees all TAIS campuses and works directly with the school leadership team. The Vice Principals are the responsible persons in charge of the daily operation of each building and work directly with the Academic Dean. The Administrative and Academic Vice-Principals oversee a team of individuals who support the daily management of each school building.